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Mentoring in higher education arts institution


Yang Xiao Juan Marienne

3D Design


Differences coupled with the transition to tertiary art institutions can be refreshing but also challenging to students. 

Secondary/High School and Tertiary/Post-secondary education vary in various aspects. It can differ in ways as how classes were conducted, timetables planned and assignments given and assessed. Such differences coupled with the transition to tertiary art institutions can be refreshing but also challenging to students.


The difficulty to adjust were evident with data that shows for the last 8 years first year students at NAFA have the highest attrition rate. The high rate of student attrition raised concerns. As such, this research evaluates whether having a class mentor for first year students helps bridge the gap between secondary and tertiary education.

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About Research@NAFA





The Pedagogy & Research Unit (PRU) spearheads research on artistic practices and scholarship in teaching and learning. We conduct research for new knowledge and insights to deepen our understanding of art and design at higher education.


We design processes that support research activities, build the capability of colleagues in research and pedagogical competence, and stimulate conversation through both formal and informal learning platforms.

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Pedagogy and Research Unit

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ARCH Showcase Website 2021

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